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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures (Junior): Cross Curricular Priority

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures

Using Key Search Terms

When searching for information it is important to consider what key search terms are going to be the most relevant to your topic.  During this process it will be advantageous to consider any synonyms.  A thesaurus is an excellent tool for helping you identify synonyms.  Click here and see how many different synonyms you can find for your key search terms. It's a good idea to start searching using a broad search term to help familiarise yourself with the topic, however if your search returns too many results or your looking for a more specific result, begin to narrow your search term down.  See the table below for some examples.



Aboriginal histories and cultures

Indigenous Australians, aboriginal culture, indigenous Australia culture, aboriginal history (past events), indigenous Australia history, aboriginal society, indigenous Australian society, indigenous Australian languages, aboriginal ideas, customs and social behaviour, indigenous Australians ideas, customs and social behaviour


Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures Torres Strait Islander culture, Torres Strait Islander society, Torres Strait Islander history (past events), Torres strait Islander language, Torres Strait Islander ideas, customs and social behaviour



Ididjaustralia: Australian Aboriginal use of spinifex resin technology (2 min video)