Redland City Council Libraries - make sure you take the time to click on each of the links within the Redland City Council Libraries Catalogue. Of particular interest would be the tabs 'Redlands Coast History' and 'Family History'. Within the 'Redlands Coast History' you can access books that contain collated information and images which provide a quick overview of the history in that area. Timelines are of particular interest and you should take the time to browse these as someone else has collated the information and done all the hard work for you.
Qlmagery (Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, 2020) - QLD governments' online collection of photographs since the 1930s
North Stradbroke Island Museum on Minjerribah
North Stradbroke Island Museum on Minjerribah Facebook page
Redlands history in photos (Redland City Bulletin)
Redlands Coast History (Redland City Libraries)
Fort Lytton Historic Military Precinct - Fort Lytton was Brisbane's primary defence facility until after World War II and was crucial in defending the submarine base in Brisbane River. Please note that the Fort Lytton website has a URL ending in .org. The domain name .org means organisation. The Fort Lytton Historic Association is a non-profit organisation run by volunteers (Fort Lytton Historic Association). If you go into the re-enactments section and select Fort-Lytton at night you can watch channel 7's Great East video on Fort Lytton. If you're using Fort Lytton for inspiration, this video is an example of making a strong connection.
Wynnum Manly Historical Society Website - contains information on the history of Wynnum, Manly, Lota and surrounds. The resource tab contains oral histories which you may wish to listen to.
Judy Watson (Art Gallery of NSW, n.d)
Introducing Judy Watson (Tate, n.d)
The following articles can be accessed through the State Library of Queensland databases (you must be a member to access these!)
Glen Skien: Bird in hand (Peckham, n.d)
Mytho-poetic: print & assemblage works by Glen Skien (Maitland Regional Art Gallery, 2021)
The following articles can be accessed through the State Library of Queensland databases (you must be a member to access these!)
State Library of Queensland - Search the SLQ website using OneSearch. Remember the key is to work smarter not harder. Once you locate a suitable resource, make sure you look at the suggested and related items on the right hand side of the page as they can lead you to other resources. The references at the end of an article or book can also lead you to more resources.
State Library of Queensland John Oxley Library - Search digitised photos, maps, and original materials. Just use the search fields to search images and the suburb, area, or topic of interest.
State Library of Queensland - The Edge - so this is a bit off-topic but have you heard of The Edge? The Edge is a State Library's space for creativity and experimentation. You can become a member for free and access their fabrication lab, recording studio, and digital/media lab. Use equipment such as 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC routers, electronics bench, sewing machines, and a vinyl cutter. You can also access the tool library which contains hundreds of items such s air compressors, bodyboards, drills, and tents. Click on the link for more information.
Elisa Jane Carmichael (OneSpace, n.d)
Sonja Carmichael and Elisa Jane Carmichael (Art Gallery of South Australia, 2021)
The following articles can be accessed through the State Library of Queensland databases (you must be a member to access these!)
William Robinson (Australian Galleries, n.d)
William Robinson (Martin-Chew, 2017)
Inside William Robinson's universe of visual contradictions (Meacham, 2021)
There are a number of books on William Robinson at the State Library of Queensland. You must request to access from level 4.
The ancient and recent collide in new exhibition (Tweed Regional Gallery, 2020)
Bruce Reynolds: Air percussion (Martin Chew, 2011)
The following articles can be accessed through the State Library of Queensland databases (you must be a member to access these!)