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Digital Resources: Audiobooks

Audiobooks, Podcasts, Videos, eBooks, etc.

LibriVox (Free Public Domain Books)

LibriVox is a group of worldwide volunteers who read and record public domain texts, creating free public domain audiobooks for download from their website and other digital library hosting sites on the internet.


Audible is an online audiobook and podcast service (a service of Amazon) that allows users to purchase and stream audiobooks and other forms of spoken word content. The membership might look pricey but with your basic membership, you will get at 1 free credit per month to buy a book and a large variety of titles included for free with your membership. Click on logo for more information on subscription options. 


Spotify is a digital music service that gives you access to millions of songs and podcasts, and even some audiobooks. Create an account for free. You can stream songs and podcasts without a paid subscription but with Ads. To remove Ads, you may wish to create a premium subscription. Family subscription option available. 

iBooks (eBooks and Audiobooks)


Apple Books is the single destination for all the books and audiobooks you love — and all the ones you’ll love next. Browse the Book Store and Audiobook Store to find the perfect book to read or listen to. Track what you’ve read and want to read, and set your own Reading Goals — all in one app and across all your Apple devices.

Christian Audio

Christian Audio's goal is to exclusively provide high-quality faith-based audiobooks. Unlike other sites where you often have to sort through objectionable content, we offer 7,500+ Christian titles to fulfill all your spiritual needs. Purchase individual titles or become a member and download a new audiobook every month.


SoundCloud is a German music streaming service that enables its users to upload, promote, and share audio. Founded in 2007 by Alexander Ljung and Eric Wahlforss, SoundCloud is one of the largest music streaming services in the world and is available in 190 countries and territories


BBC Full-Cast Dramatisations of Classics (Available on Audible via Subscription)


The Elizabeth Gaskell Collection

Bronte Sisters Collection

Charles Dickens Collection

Jane Austen Collection

Shakespeare Collections

Agatha Christie Collections 

Sherlock Holmes Collection 

Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin - The Complete series 

Father Brown: The Complete Series 1 and 2 by G.K. Chesterton

Winnie the Pooh Collection 

The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit 


Faith-based Dramatised Audiobooks


Treasures of the Snow by Patricia M. St. John (Moody Radio) - SoundCloud Playlist.