Rebecca Sparrow Website - provides many helpful parenting resources, including excellent advice on issues of bullying, mental health, etc.
Jodie Berndt Website - provides many helpful parenting resources, including how parents can pray for their children and the struggles they face.
A Practical Approach to Bullies (Focus on the Family, 2011).
Does your child bully others? Ten positive actions for parents (Lodge, 2014) - article in the Australian Instituted of Family Studies (AIFS).
My Child is Bullying Others: What Should I Do? (Katz, 2024) - article in the Child Mind Institute.
Praying for Teenagers: Praying Against Self-Harm and Suicide (Berndt, 2024) - article in Faith Gateway.
Praying for Those Contemplating Suicide (Psalm 118:5) (Platt, 2020) - article/podcast by David Platt.