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[Year 4] Unit 3 - What a Waste! : Sustainability

Sustainability for Kids (whiteboard animation)

Recycling for Kids | Kids Academy

Circular Economy | Explained in 3 Minutes

Have Australian scientists discovered a recycling solution to our plastic problem? | 7.30

What is Sustainability?

Children's Corner: Looking After God's World - Karen Holford

How Recycling Works! | How to Help Our Earth | SciShow Kids

How Furniture is Made from Recycled Plastic | Made Here | Popular Mechanics

Sustainability: What Does it Mean to be Green?

REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE - Waste Reduction - Steve Trash Science

How Plastic Hurts the World | SciShow Kids

How Australia is sorting its giant waste and recycling problem | ABC News

More Resources

The following Articles and weblinks provide more advanced interesting reading and resources for Parents & Teachers. 


Climate Change and the Bible (Foley, 2020). 

Environmentalism: A Biblical Perspective (Beisner, 2020) - This is chapter 20 in The New Answers Book 4 available in the Library.