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Year 12 Unit 4 Physics - Revolutions in Modern Physics : Quantum Physics Claims

Year 12 Unit 4 Physics - Revolutions in Modern Physics

Quantum Physics Claims

Choose Your Assessment Topic


Quantum Mechanics Explained in Ridiculously Simple Words


Visualisations of Quantum Physics (Quantum Mechanics)


Quantum mechanics and the double slit experiment


The Origin of Quantum Mechanics (feat. Neil Turok)


The Quantum Technology in Your Pocket


How Quantum Mechanics Affects Your Life


Quantum 101 Episode 5: Quantum Entanglement Explained


Quantum Mechanics and Creation (with Dr. Danny Faulkner) | Answers in Genesis 


The following are links to Various Science Databases with academically reliable research articles and content: 


Remember to look for other relevant resources in the reference section of each source as they can lead you to other resources.  Also, articles from databases often have suggested reading and related items that can lead you to more resources. Please remember, it may take you some time to locate your first relevant resource. However, following the tips above can identify and lead you to more resources.  

Username: redlandscoll          Password: science











Britannica is suitable for junior, middle and senior students and is an excellent place to start when researching a topic. 




Click below for more databases.



Password: redcol


Password: redcol


Password: redcol


Assessment Task Sheet - Research Investigation 


Claim: Quantum Physics is at the forefront of medical research.
Stimulus: Quantum Physics in Medicine (Taylor-Smith, 2019). 

Note: Students can research different how new discoveries in quantum physics using nanoparticles are being utilised in medical research.



Quantum Biology: Does Quantum physics hold the key to revolutionising medicine? (Goh, Tong & Pusparagjah, 2020). 

A review of applications of principles of quantum physics in oncology: do quantum physics principles have any role in oncology research and applications? (Renata, et. al., 2019) - article available in ProQuest Central database via the State Library of Queensland. 

Quantum Physic, Quantum Biology, Quantum Medicine? (Bullon, 2020). 

The Possibility of Quantum Medicine in Cancer Research: A Review (Darzini, et. al., 2021) - PDF Document - article available from ResearchGate via a Google Scholar search - Search using Title or the search phrase "quantum physics and medical research". 

What if quantum physics could eradicate illness? | Jim Al-Khalil for Big Think


The Future Model of Medicine: Quantum Medicine


Quantum Healthcare: Unleashing the Power of Quantum Physics in Medicine


Claim: It’s no coincidence that neither quantum physics or human consciousness can be fully explained.
Stimulus: Strange link between the human mind and quantum physics (Carter, 2023). 

Note: Students can research how consciousness and quantum physics are similar and different.

eBooks (via The State Library of Queensland)


Does Consciousness Influence Quantum Mechanics?


Roger Penrose - Bridging Consciousness, Quantum Physics & The Universe


Does Quantum Mechanic Point to God's Existence? | Reasons to Believe


Consciousness and Quantum Mechanics: How are they related? 


Claim: A particle can be in two places at the same time.
Stimulus: One of quantum physics' greatest paradoxes may have lost its leading explanation (Musser, 2020). 

Note: Students can research paradoxes in quantum physics (or special relativity) and their currently accepted resolutions or possible explanations.

Schrodlinger's Cat Explained with Quantum Computing | Paradoxes Ep. 01


Claim: The discovery of blue LED’s deserved a Nobel Prize.
Stimulus: Press Release: New light to illuminate the world (Akasaki, Amano & Nakamura, 2014). 

: Students can research Nobel prize winners in Physics that are related to Unit 4.

Mom, How does a CD or DVD or Blu-ray Work? | Doc Physics


How Blue LED Light Changed the World! (2015)


How Blue LEDs Changed the World


Claim: Hawking radiation can destroy a black hole.
Stimulus: Hawking Radiation (Wikipedia, 2024) - NOTE: This is only for background knowledge to start off your research. Wikipedia is not a reliable scholarly source to reference in your assignment. 

Example: “How can a black hole emit radiation, but light can’t escape?”

Can a black hole be destroyed? | Hawking's Black Hole Paradox Explained | Fabio Pacucci | TED-Ed


Hawking Radiation Explained Simply, or How Black Holes Explode!


How does Hawking Radiation REALLY work? | The Science Asylum