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Year 12 Unit 4 Physics - Revolutions in Modern Physics : Standard Model Claims

Year 12 Unit 4 Physics - Revolutions in Modern Physics

Standard Model Claims

Choose Your Assessment Topic


The Standard Model


The Standard Model of Particle Physics: A Triumph of Science


What's the smallest thing in the universe? - Jonathan Butterworth | TED-Ed


CERN: The Standard Model of Particle Physics


The following are links to Various Science Databases with academically reliable research articles and content: 


Remember to look for other relevant resources in the reference section of each source as they can lead you to other resources.  Also, articles from databases often have suggested reading and related items that can lead you to more resources. Please remember, it may take you some time to locate your first relevant resource. However, following the tips above can identify and lead you to more resources.  

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Britannica is suitable for junior, middle and senior students and is an excellent place to start when researching a topic. 




Click below for more databases.



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Assessment Task Sheet - Research Investigation 


Claim: The discovery of blue LED’s deserved a Nobel Prize.
Stimulus: Press Release: New light to illuminate the world (Akasaki, Amano & Nakamura, 2014). 

Note: Students can research Nobel prize winners in Physics that are related to Unit 4.

Mom, How does a CD or DVD or Blu-ray Work? | Doc Physics


Claim:  Physicists Discover a Possible Break in the Standard Model of Physics; breaking the lepton universality. 
Stimulus: Physicists Discover a Possible Break in the Standard Model of Physics (Galeon, 2017). 

Could the Standard Model Be Wrong? Exploring Lepton Universality | The Royal Institution


Standard Model survives stringent test of lepton universality at the ATLAS experiment


Claim: The Standard Model of particle physics is brilliant and completely flawed.
Stimulus: The Standard Model of particle physics is brilliant and completely flawed (Hobbs, 2017). 

Is It Possible that the Standard Model of Particle Physics is wrong?


Claim: Gravity does not need to be included in the Standard Model
Stimulus: Gravity versus the Standard Model (Butterworth, 2014). 

Discovery That Changed Physics! Gravity is NOT a Force!


How can we unite gravity and the Standard Model? 


Does the standard model account for the force of gravity? 


Gravity in Particle Physics


Claim: Particles can be their own antiparticle.
Stimulus: Chasing a particle that is its own antiparticle (Lopes, 2018).  

Note: Students can research matter and antimatter especially Majorana Fermions.

Are neutrinos their own antiparticle? | Even Bananas 


Particles and Antiparticles | Cowen Physics


Claim: Supercolliders like CERN can create blackholes that could consume the Earth
Stimulus: The Day the World Didn't End (Phillips, 2008). 

Note: Students can research the history of particle accelerators and their designs.

Weblinks, Study Guides & Notes


Episode 17: We Finished Season One of the Flash! | E23 & E24 of the Flash (That's Not How Science Works Podcast, June 27, 2019) - find interesting links and articles about Particle Accelerators, Tungsten, Black Holes, Radiations, etc...

The Law of Conservation of Matter (Shrestha, n.d.). 

eBooks (State Library of Queensland)


Particle accelerators: What are they, how do they work and why are they important to us?


CERN's supercollider | Brian Cox | TED


Brian Cox: Something Horrible Just Happened at CERN That No One Can Explain! | Beyond Discovery


Elon Musk Says CERN's Large Hadron Collider is 'Demonic Technology' (2023)


Inside The World's Largest Particle Accelerator