FIRST BREAK - If you love the Chronicles of Narnia series and enjoyed watching the movie, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, then you'll really enjoy this movie! This week during every 1st break, we'll be showing the third movie in the series, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader in the College Heart, tiered seating area.
Siblings Edmund and Lucy, along with their cousin, Eustace, meet Prince Caspian aboard the Dawn Treader, the royal ship. Together, they face many dangers as they try to save the seven Lords of Narnia.
If you enjoy word games and books, then this is just the game for you! Very similar to the popular New York Times connections game released every day online, we'll be releasing a new Connections game on L@R NEWS every morning at 8.20 am for PC class. Get ready for a fun challenge!
Looking for something fun to do during your break times? Why not try the fun word searches and puzzles provided daily in the Middle/Senior Library. Or you may want to colour your own bookmark!
SECOND BREAK - For all book lovers. come and test your literary knowledge with these exciting Kahoot Quizzes at the College Heart, tiered seating area.
Looking for something fun to do during your break times? Why not try the fun word searches and puzzles provided daily in the Middle/Senior Library. Or you may want to colour your own bookmark!
FIRST & SECOND BREAK Daily - General Fun Activity - On the walls in the Middle/Senior Library, you'll find a few bookish matching challenges - Match the Characters to Their Item/Object; Match Dragons to Their Book; Match Quotes to their Book Title; and/or Match the Hat to its Character. Test your knowledge on your own or with your friends - just for fun.
SECOND BREAK on Tuesday 20th - COMPETITION Challenge -Try entering formally in the competition to win some chocolates! Match the Characters to their item/object Challenge. Can you match the Book Character to their item? For example, what object/item would you associate with Gandalf? If you would like to enter the competition to win chocolates, you'll need to fill in the form (ask one from Library Staff) and place it in the entry box at the Library circulation desk. The first 2 correct answers drawn out at the end will WIN chocolates for the individual.
Looking for something fun to do during your break times? Why not try the fun word searches and puzzles provided daily in the Middle/Senior Library. Or you may want to colour your own bookmark!
SECOND BREAK: It's a Scavenger Hunt! Join us in the Middle/Senior Library.
Looking for something fun to do during your break times? Why not try the fun word searches and puzzles provided daily in the Middle/Senior Library. Or you may want to colour your own bookmark!
SECOND BREAK: How many times have you read a book and felt like you've become emotionally connected to the characters you've been reading about? What if these characters were real? Which character would you like to meet in person or have as a friend? Come to the College Heart during SECOND BREAK to find out who will win this totally fun Battle of Book Characters Knockout Game!
Looking for something fun to do during your break times? Why not try the fun word searches and puzzles provided daily in the Middle/Senior Library. Or you may want to colour your own bookmark!
SECOND BREAK: Are you coming dressed up in a book character for Character Parade? Why don't you stop by the Photo Booth in College Heart for some photos. Keep your fun memories alive! Also, don't forget to join the costume competition - see details below.
Thanks for participating and creating a wonderful experience for all across the whole college.
Looking for something fun to do during your break times? Why not try the fun word searches and puzzles provided daily in the Middle/Senior Library. Or you may want to colour your own bookmark!