Week 7 is going to be such an exciting opportunity for us to celebrate the wonderful, magical experience of reading!
Books are magical because they allow readers to unleash their imaginations, live a thousand lives, travel through time and space to other worlds, see life through another person's eyes, and explore any topic that sparks curiosity.
This year's Book Week theme is 'Reading is Magical'.
The following quote beautifully describes this theme...
Books are not just simple collections of printed words on paper; they serve as powerful gateways that transport us to realms beyond our imagination. These written works, whether they are age-old classics or modern masterpieces, open doors to worlds that we could only dream of. Whether you find yourself journeying alongside hobbits and elves in Tolkien’s Middle Earth, getting lost in the intricate, cobblestone streets of Dickens’ Victorian London, or venturing into the futuristic and vast expanse of Asimov’s science fiction universes, the act of reading provides an unparalleled voyage that transcends the boundaries of reality. Every chapter we delve into, each page we turn, and every word we absorb is a golden ticket, an invitation to embark on a new adventure. These literary journeys beckon us, urging us to leave behind the mundane and explore landscapes, cultures, and stories that stretch beyond our wildest dreams and imaginations.
- from "The Magic of Reading: an introduction to the worlds of words" (Verena, 2023).
In Defense of Fiction: Christian Love for Great Literature (Ryken, 2021).
Questions about Christian Fantasy/Fiction (Focus on the Family).
Why Christians Should Read Fantasy (White, 2022).
Harry Potter Turns 25: What I Saw While Reading to My Sons (Mathis, 2022).
Harry Potter From a Christian's Perspective (Runyan, 2023).
Meeting God in Middle-earth: How I teach Theology with Tolkien (Crutchmer, 2022).
Is 'Lord of the Rings' Christian? Searching Middle-Earth for God (Brown, 2022).
The Pastor as Wizard (Walker, 2023).
Live Like a Narnian: Christian Discipleship in C.S. Lewis's Chronicles (Rigney, 2013).
Louis Markos on Learning Virtue in Lord of the Rings and Narnia (2022).