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Year 6 HASS - Historical Recount Journal: Australia in the 20th Century: Wave Hill Walk-Off 1966

Australia in the 20th Century

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Resources on Wave Hill Walk-Off 1966


Electoral milestones for Indigenous Australians (Australian Electoral Commission, 2020). 

Indigenous Suffrage Timeline Queensland (Everyone's Parliament Factsheet 10.5) - PDF document. 

This Day Tonight: Two years after the 1966 Wave Hill walk-off (ABC Education, 2022) - this link provides video footage about the Wave Hill Walk-Off and what happened after that event 2 years later. 

Video: The story of Vincent Lingiari and the Wave Hill walk-off is well documented (ABC News, 2022) - This news story highlights the story of the Gurindji women's role in the early days of the Aboriginal land rights movement has largely gone untold.

First-hand accounts, documents, and images


Friday essay: the untold story behind the 1966 Wave Hill Walk-Off (Meakins, 2016) - includes primary source material in the form of quotes from interviews, audio recordings and images. 

This Day Tonight: Two years after the 1966 Wave Hill walk-off (ABC Education, 2022) - this link provides video footage about the Wave Hill Walk-Off and what happened after that event 2 years later. 

Wave Hill walk-off (Vincent Lingiari) - audio/video recording about the Wave Hill walk-off. 

The Wave Hill 'walk-off' (National Archives of Australia) - a collection of primary records and sources on the Wave Hill 'walk-off'.

"From little things, big things grow": Paul Kelly, Kev Carmody remember Gough in Song 


From Little Things Big Things Grow | Paul Kelly & Kev Carmody (About the Song)

In this film Kev Carmody and Paul Kelly talk about the process of writing the song From Little Things Big Things Grow. From Little Things Big Things Grow tells the story of Vincent Lingiari, a Gurindji stockman who, in 1966, initiated a strike in response to the poor working conditions faced by Gurindji workers, on the Wave Hill Cattle Station.